Next Coldplay Album “Fast, Dark And Heavy”

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Next Coldplay Album “Fast, Dark And Heavy”

Messaggioda Betaray il mar ago 23, 2005 7:54 am

X&Y' has been out for only two months, but it seems Coldplay are already thinking about their next CD, with Chris Martin explaining in an interview that he want things to get a lot darker in the future. Ohhhhh scary.

Speaking to the Chicago Sun Times, Chris Martin has explained his intentions to make Coldplay’s next album – the band’s fourth - a much more disturbing proposition than its predecessors.

When asked what it was like working with legendary Roxy Music keyboardist and Bowie and U2 collaborator Brian Eno, Martin downplayed his involvement, but confessed it has influenced the possible future sound of the band.

“Well, working with Eno is really kind of an overstatement,”
Martin explained, “He came in for one evening. The reason why it's good to have him on the record sleeve is that a lot of the music he wasn't there for was sort of inspired by the records he made 10 or 20 years ago. His presence adds a bit more to it, and also knowing about the way he works.

“This is all stuff I think we're about to embrace. We learned an awful lot making the last record, and hopefully we'll put it into practice if we ever go into the studio again. I want to get fast, dark and heavy, with no pianos.

“Not necessarily heavier in terms of Metallica, just a bit more powerful.”

So there you go, the next Coldplay albums could sound very different to their next single ‘Fix You’ which is released on September 5 on Parlophone/EMI Records.
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:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
Messaggi: 5124
Iscritto il: lun gen 19, 2004 1:33 pm
Località: ROMA

Messaggioda iaia il mar ago 23, 2005 7:59 am

mi sembra un po' presto per parlare di un nuovo album... :roll:
interessante comunque ;)
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I'd pick you up at half past three
and we'll have lasaaagneee

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:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
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Messaggioda britgirl il mar ago 23, 2005 8:12 am

"We Could Sleep Together"
"I remember we have something to finish ..."
Immagine --> SDS Ltd.
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Messaggioda Betaray il mar ago 23, 2005 8:21 am

Chris ha imparato da Noel
cambia che ti cambia faremo sempre lo stesso
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:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
Messaggi: 5124
Iscritto il: lun gen 19, 2004 1:33 pm
Località: ROMA

Messaggioda gius il mar ago 23, 2005 8:26 am

grandi corplai :D
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Album Oasis: Definitely Maybe
Tifo per: AC Milan

Messaggioda NewMan il mar ago 23, 2005 4:35 pm

vabbè queste sono intenzioni, il tour è ancor all'inizio, prima che entreranno in studio passerà un anno e tenendo il loro ritmo, che è identico a quello degli oasis e cioè lentissimo :lol: se ne parlerà nel 2008 :cry:
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Iscritto il: mar set 28, 2004 8:11 pm
Località: Palermo
Song Preferita Oasis: Live Forever
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Messaggioda columbia83 il mar ago 23, 2005 6:42 pm

Ragazzi vi dico quello che disse chris al tempo di In my Place quando uscì A rush of blood to the head:

Penso che il prossimo album dei coldplay sarà un rock pesante e duro diverso da ciò che abbiamo fatto sinora!

poi è uscito X&Y...

ha praticamente detto la stessa cosa di 3 anni fa!
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Iscritto il: gio mar 17, 2005 6:53 pm

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