Glastonbury sells out in under 3 hours
For those of you who were considering picking up tickets to the 2005 Glastonbury festival and forgot to get up early yesterday to try your chances at getting through will be sorry to hear that tickets to the event are completely sold out.
The news earlier this year that stated their would be no Glastonbury in 2006, seemed to whip punters into even more of a frenzy. The website was kept at a grinding pace due to the hundreds of thousands endlessly hitting the refresh button and phone lines jammed from exactly 9am yesterday morning with people camped out on their redial button. In under 3 hours all of the 112,000 tickets at £125 (+ £8 booking) had sold out, with the ticketing website recording over 7.5million impressions. This years idea of selling the tickets on the Sunday has being hailed a success so expect this format for 2007 and beyond – with a much smoother result reported after last years issues.
