[10:42pm] ArcherV sets mode: -o+b Oasis4eve *!*asis4ever@*.cust-adsl.tiscali.it
[10:42pm] You were kicked by ArcherV (hai capito bravo)
04—14I04-15n04-15v04-00i04-00s04-15i04-15o04-14n04— 12Cannot join channel:11 #oasis-italia 12(You are banned)
[10:42pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #oasis-italia
04—14I04-15n04-15v04-00i04-00s04-15i04-15o04-14n04— 12Cannot join channel:11 #oasis-italia 12(You are banned)
[10:42pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #oasis-italia
12> 12Successfully joined 11#oasis-italia 12on 11Wednesday 12at 1110:42pm
[10:42pm] * Topic is '4,12
http://www.oasisitalia.it/phpbb2/viewto ... 432#182432 http://asdadasf.altervista.org/domrepubblica.jpg DUE FACCE SCONVOLTE!! (DOM E GUAGNO) 11[00:32:01] <GasBiaggi> THT vs TUTS 1-0'
[10:42pm] * Set by ChanServ on Wed May 18 10:45:02
12> Channel Modes: 11+tnr
12> Created on 11Tuesday, March 15th, 2005 12at 118:25am
[10:43pm] <04Oasis4eve> vale vale
[10:43pm] <04Oasis4eve> don't believe the truth
[10:43pm] <04Oasis4eve>
[10:44pm] <13@ArcherV> si certo
[10:44pm] <13@ArcherV>