Coldplay Tells Stories At Intimate New York Gig

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Coldplay Tells Stories At Intimate New York Gig

Messaggioda Betaray il mar mag 17, 2005 10:25 am

Coldplay dropped in on the tiny Harvey Theatre in downtown Brooklyn, N.Y., last night (May 16) to tape an episode of VH1's newly revived "Storytellers" show. The show will premiere June 8, the day after the North American release of Coldplay's highly anticipated third Capitol album, "X&Y."

After pounding through the rockers "Square One" and "Politik," the Chris Martin-led band settled into the "Storytellers" format. "It's quite strange to owe your entire life to four-and-a-half minutes of music, but I all think we do," he said before Coldplay's breakthrough hit, "Yellow," adding that the song was named after the book that happened to be nearest to him when we he was finishing writing it: the Yellow Pages.

Bassist Guy Berryman admitted that new single "Speed of Sound" was written in an attempt to copy the drum sound in Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill," while guitarist Jon Buckland said he labored for more than a year trying to come up with a part to play in "Warning Sign." "I wound up playing maracas on the recording," he revealed with a laugh.

Drummer Will Champion confessed his own embarrassing moment when he said he initially thought the now ubiquitous "Clocks" was "absolute rubbish." Later, Martin owned up to being so frustrated during the recording of "In My Place" that in lieu of using a complete take, the band edited together different versions until achieving the desired sound.

Before closer "Fix You," Martin said the band had re-watched the Bee Gees' "Storytellers" appearance, and that in an attempt to emulate the group, would unleash a four-part vocal harmony. Said singing added gravitas to the anthemic track, which Martin called "probably the most important song we've ever written."

After the performance, which also included "The Scientist" and "Til Kingdom Come," the band stuck around to answer questions from the audience. Referencing the fact that Capitol parent EMI experienced a financial downturn when it announced "X&Y" would be pushed back from its early 2005 release, Martin said, "Deadlines mean nothing to us. We'll sink the whole company if we have to."

Asked what each member of Coldplay brings to the table, he answered, "For some reason this combination of four people just works. All these things combine to make us the 78th best band ever."

Coldplay will remain in New York for a show tonight at the Beacon Theatre, which will be cybercast by AOL Music.
-- Jonathan Cohen, N.Y.
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