"N" = Noel
"B" = Bonehead
"L" = Liam
OnlineHost: Copyright 1996 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
AOLiveMC13: Welcome to Center Stage, Noel, Bonehead and Liam from the band Oasis!
OasisCS: Hi everybody!
AOLiveMC13: Let's get right to the questions!
Question: I'm English, and live over here, I miss football, sorry lads I'm was born a Man Utd Fan, and I miss good beer, what have you missed the most since you got here?
OasisCS: N> Me Mother. L/B> Walkers crisps. L> And sane people!
Question: So, are you still living in Camden, Noel? Where do you park your roller?
OasisCS: N> Yes, living in Camden, the roller's at the chauffeurs house in Essex.
Question: How did you get the name for your group?
OasisCS: L> Seen it on a poster on my wall in my bedroom.
Question: Will we see a collection of B sides appearing as a stand alone album soon?
OasisCS: L/N> Yes! We don't know when.
Question: Are you still planning the big open air gig in Scotland?
OasisCS: L/N> Yes! We don't know when.
Question: What's the crowd reaction like in the USA? (We hear they got a bit miffed at the static stage presence?) Do they now understand that its about music not theatre?
OasisCS: N> Reaction is top.
Question: Wonderwall seems to have captured the hearts of a generation. Can you do it again?
OasisCS: N> Eeeeasily!
Question: You once said you'll only record three or four albums, do you still believe that?
OasisCS: N/L> Nope. And we didn't say it.
Question: Are you going to get actively involved in trying to get Labour elected?
OasisCS: N/L/B> Yep.
Question: Who's idea was it to do this interview? (Bands/managers/labels) And how much do Oasis get involved in their web site?
OasisCS: L> We don't get involved in it. L/N> Ginger said we had to, it's supported by our management (the site).
Question: What's the next single?
OasisCS: B> Don't know.
Question: Does it shock you how successful you have been in the USA?
OasisCS: B/L> No. N> A little.
Question: Do you have girlfriends?
OasisCS: L/N/B> Girlfriends (hundreds)...Bonehead has a wife.
Question: Why only one day in Los Angeles? The concert sold out so fast...you could've sold it out for days.
OasisCS: N> LA is the armpit of the universe. B> Lunatic Asylum.
Question: Is it really true that after the third album, you will be splitting up?
OasisCS: B/N/L> NOOOOO!!!!!! This is our last gig (just kidding).
Question: I'm asking this on behalf of kids in my class at school (I'm a teacher) Why has Liam got a beard?
OasisCS: L> Because it's better than havin' a boyfriend.
Question: Hey, do you think you sound like the Beatles??
OasisCS: L/B> No. L> They sound like us!
Question: Hi! Is there any chance you will be playing the Masterplan at any of your Manchester gigs and what support bands will you have?
OasisCS: N/B/L> Yes....don't know support bands yet.
Question: Will you release Champagne SuperNova as a single please? (from kids in my class, I'm a teacher)
OasisCS: Yes, in America...no, in England.
Question: Noel, when you wrote the lyrics "So I start a revolution from my bed" what did you mean by this?
OasisCS: N> I stole a line from a quote by John Lennon.
Question: What's this about 2 new songs you are rehearsing, are they new singles, are they for a new album, if so when?
OasisCS: N> Yes, they're for a new album, but we don't know when the album will be released because we split up 2 days ago.
Question: What do you think of the Oasis tribute bands that are appearing?
OasisCS: N> Top!
Question: Are you guys rich, millionaires, or bloody loaded?
OasisCS: L> No, we're bloody bloated millionaires!
Question: Is it true that you guys think of yourselves as the Beatles of the 90's?
OasisCS: N/L> No, we're the Oasis of the '90s.
Question: What is the next UK single going to be?
OasisCS: N> Don't know.
Question: What is your favorite epiphone, Noel?
OasisCS: N> 1964 Epiphone Casino Sunburst...extremely expensive...not many left.
Question: How did the British press respond to your behavior at the Brit awards and do you feel that by not performing, you may have hurt your career?
OasisCS: L> Yeah. B> Probably hurt their career by not playing it.
Question: How long have you supported Man City?
OasisCS: B> I don't. N> Since 1971.
Question: Noel - what are the 2 lines after 'but before tomorrow' in Supersonic? I can't make them out!
OasisCS: N> Cuz my friend said he'd take you home. He sits in a corner all alone. He lives under a waterfall....nobody can see him, nobody can ever hear him call.
Question: Hiya..I'm from Stockport...how come the wearing of the fur coat all the time..isn't it, like, way too hot under stage lights?
OasisCS: N> Absolutely... bloody roastin'. B> Yep, bloody shedhead.
Question: How many guitars do you have in your collection now?
OasisCS: N> Hmmmm...too bloody many.
Question: The papers here in Scotland say you're maybe going to play at Loch Lomond. Any truth in this?
OasisCS: Yes, don't know when.
Question: What are you going to do about this band that want to have a scrap with you?
OasisCS: B> Give it to 'em!
Question: How has touring effected family life (to Bonehead)?
OasisCS: B> It's made us bloody fat, loaded rich! lol!
Question: Noel - Do you use the Les Paul you got from Johnny Marr via Pete Townshend for studio work or in concert?
OasisCS: N> For both!
Question: Will you ever put out a compilation video?
OasisCS: N> Yes, don't know when.
Question: I'm going to see you guys this Sunday in Rhode Island. I was wondering why you picked a smaller club as one of your only New England tour dates?
OasisCS: N> Because we ain't got no bloody fans in Rhode Island.
Question: Bonehead, why do they call you "Bonehead"? Will you be playing Bonehead's Bank Holiday in concert? It's hilarious.
OasisCS: B> Because this big eagle came down with a note he left in my hand from the man above...saying, "You are not known as Paul anymore, you're known as Bonehead."
Question: Did you have a lot of trouble with Stevie Wonder over getting Step Out released?
OasisCS: N> Yeah, because he took bloody ages approving the artwork.
Question: Noel and Liam, have you got cousins living in Drogheda, Ireland?
OasisCS: N/L> Yep.
Question: Will you be releasing, say, a video collection of all UK and US videos to date?
OasisCS: N> Yep....don't know when.
Question: How did it come about that Noel sings "Wonderwall" live? Was there some kind of agreement before it was recorded or anything like that?
OasisCS: N> Yes, we have a civil lawsuit against each other. Liam sings on the record...I sing live.
Question: What did you think of what Jarvis did at the Brits?
OasisCS: N> Absolutely monumental!
Question: Are your eyebrows real?
OasisCS: N> Noooooooo.
Question: Regarding the recent Bee Gees cover versions (e.g "Stayin Alive" & "How Deep Is Your Love"), are you considering releasing a cover of "Saturday Night Fever"?
OasisCS: L/N> Yes!
Question: Are you going to release any acoustic versions of your songs?
OasisCS: L/N> We already have them.
Question: How does it feel to considered among the top bands of the U.S.? Is there any difference between American audiences and those in Europe?
OasisCS: N> The ones in Europe don't speak !#*$& English!
Question: After the Sheffield Arena gig, are you going to play Sheffield Don Valley Stadium?
OasisCS: N> Directly afterwards...all night rave!
Question: Any plans for playing the home of football, Wembley Stadium?
OasisCS: L> Nope, that's the football team's.
Question: I heard an interview with the lead singer, don't know his name, but he said he believes Oasis will be bigger than the Beatles! You guys think he's right, or dreaming?
OasisCS: L> I'm dreamin' and my name's Liam.
Question: Why did you chose to cover "Cum On Feel The Noize", and who is that at the end of the song 'singing'?
OasisCS: N> For a laugh...singing is Liam & friends.
Question: Noel, you once said in an interview (select) that all the songs in Morning Glory have a connection. What is the connection?
OasisCS: N> It's all part of a very big spiritual riddle to which only I have the answers.
Question: Who is P.H. who wrote that cool poem in the back of the Morning Glory insert?
OasisCS: N> His name is Paolo Hewitt....good friend of the group.
Question: Are there as many obnoxiously rough crowds in Britain like in the US?
OasisCS: N> Oh yes, absolutely.
Question: Was your rivalry with Blur real, or was it media influenced?
OasisCS: N> Only too real.
Question: Do you have any extra musicians on tour to flesh out the sound?
OasisCS: N> Flesh it out? We got a glockenspiel section from Eastern Bulgaria!

Question: What does the song Champagne Supernova mean to you and what do you mean by that saying?
OasisCS: L> It means I wish I had a lovely pair of coconuts! N> You tell me!
Question: Why'd you chose the name for the CD that you did?
OasisCS: N> Somebody said "What's the Story..." during a telephone conversation...decided it would be a good !$!*$? name for the album!
Question: Do you guys read any of your e-mail fan mail?
OasisCS: L/N> Yes...only the female e-mail.
Question: I was wondering, do you have any advice for aspiring young band-members like myself?
OasisCS: L> Always wear a condom.
Question: You say that you're stage setup is pretty simple. Do you think that it'll ever get elaborate?
OasisCS: L/N/B> Nope!
Question: Who will be supporting your show in New York City, and will Noel be doing an acoustic bit?
OasisCS: N> Don't know. N/L> Bing Cosby supporting... With Stevie Wonder juggling chainsaws!
Question: Is it true that you don't plan to release Champagne Supernova in the USA? Why? It's a beautiful song.
OasisCS: N> Nope, we are releasing it.
Question: Mystic Meg predicted solo singles from Liam and Noel, any truth or is she just out of her tree?
OasisCS: N/B> She's well out of our tree!
Question: How long did it take to do the album (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
OasisCS: N> 15 days.
Question: Are there any plans to make a TV show/movie or anything?
OasisCS: N> We're working on our very first porno movie... entitled "Bonehead's Bare Bottom"!
Question: What is the purpose of the guitars changing color in that video?
OasisCS: N> It's all part of a very spiritual riddle to which only I have the answer!
Question: Do you feel that the harmonic minor scale enduces feelings that can break the class divide and produce music of a post-urban utopia? If so, when will you use it?
OasisCS: L> Get a job, ya student!
Question: Do all of you get along most of the time?
OasisCS: N> Absolutely swimmingly! L> (burp)
Question: Who would be your choice for support at a gig?
OasisCS: N> The Beatles...or Stevie Wonder...reading Braille poetry. B> While juggling chainsaws.
AOLiveMC13: The time has really slipped by, we have time for one final question:
Question: By releasing different singles in the US aren't you ripping off your UK fans who will buy them on import?
OasisCS: N> No, we don't release singles to the US....only singles go to radio.. not on the shelves.
OasisCS: Thanks everyone! Gotta go play! Bye-bye! Cheers!
AOLiveMC13: Thanks for being with us online this evening, Noel, Bonehead and Liam! Thanks to the audience for joining us with your questions!