:"Liams voice, blah-blah...Noel not moving...Andy and Gem disinterested...blahblah...Whatever 94 acoustic wish Liam sang like this now..weren't Bonehead and Guigs awesome.. I'm a gobshite"
This is basically what I've been reading a lot of on here after Oasis's Glasto performance. And frankly it fucks me off. According to many of you, from the period of 94-96, Oasis could do no wrong. Revisionism is ripe. Liams shocking (and I mean SHOCKING) vocals on Whatever at the 94 Virgin Megastore instore gig are overlooked as are his MANY patchy performances from that time (I've got lots of bootlegs and its a fact that he is a lot more consistent vocally now than he was in 94-95) . Also what was brought home was when I was watching the Q channel today and Oasis's 94 performance of Live Forever at Glasto was shown. Liam sings it with much less passion than he did with the same song a coupla nights back, Noel moves even less, Bonehead and Guigs may as well not be there, Tony as usual is drumming like a twat. But rightfully so this performance from 94 is seminal...it's fucking legendary. Why?
Because of hindsight.
I bet most of the people who saw Oasis that night at Glasto in 94 did not fucking leave the performance with the jaws wide open is disbelief at how good Oasis were. They probably thought "some catchy songs...they don't move about much do they...that singers an arrogant twat". However when you look back on it its amazing just because it shows a band who are being compleely true with what they are even to this date. It is the sense of what was to come. They rely not on some retarded fucking spectacle or costumes and dancing...leave that to the Darkness, thats their thing. They rely solely on the songs delivered with unequalled passion by a helluva fucking charismatic frontman. And alot of you seem to misunderstand passion. It's not overemoting, its not breaking down in tears or vocal histrionics and OTT fretwanking. Watch Liam on Friday night...he's delivering those songs as if its his sole purpose in life at that particular moment. He can't hit the high notes now...big fucking deal. Tell me, since when has that been rock'n'roll? And thats what Oasis are...rock'n'roll. You fucking try singing like Liam...try belting out those words...after 1-2 songs your voice is toast. Now imagine it for 15-20 songs...every few nights, if on a tour. Thats not to say that I think his voice is fucked now. Someone (that cunt RollWithIt I think) stuck up the MP3 for Whatever 94 MTV acoustic. It's one of my fave Oasis TV performances ever. But I listen to it, then I listen to Songbird from Glasto. There is very little fucking difference. A little extra rasp sure, but only minor. He's not gonna sound exactly like he did when he was 21...and I'm fucking glad. Listen to Wonderwall from Glasto...his vocals on that are better than any other time I've heard him sing Wonderwall live. He sings it to perfection. Sure he has problems sometimes with ballads, but he puts every fucking thing into it, and cunts here still bitch and moan that his voice may give out at certain points...it's fucking rock'n'roll, its not meant to be technically perfect. You have fucking Mariah Carey for that. Listen to Columbia at any point in the last 2 years...he fucking sings it 10x better than he did from 94-96. And its not just Liam either. Tell me when does noel move about loads and look happy on stage. Sure you can all point to him being fired up at Knebworth and Oasis's commercial heyday but a fucking corpse would be like that at that period of their careers. Same with Andy and Gem...since when did Bonehead or Guigs (as much as I love them) look more animated on stage?
Face it...in the live arena, Oasis IS Liam Gallagher. He's the fucking definition of rock'n'roll. He smokes, he drinks, he's a cunt, he's unreliable, he's sexy as fuck and he when he sings it is with a voice that gives everything to the song and leaves nothing for himself.
If you are still gonna fucking whine about him sounding shit, then go listen to John fucking Mayer. Go listen to your Knebworth bootlegs again. Go back to a time where nothing ever went wrong, where Liam hit every note, where Noel did a little jig and stand up routine at every gig, where Bonehead juggled and Guigs played the fucking accordion...if only in your own deluded nostalgia-warped head. Cos you're full of shit and, frankly, don't get it.
"Two bob cunt " - Soapbox.