in anteprima- STEREOPHINICS AL VOX - by the stalker....

Questa sezione è dedicata alle discussioni su OASIS, Beady Eye e Noel Gallagher (che non siano news o che si parli di novità , nuovo album ecc..) e su tutta la musica

Moderatori: silvietta, admin

Messaggioda britgirl il gio ott 23, 2003 10:17 am

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Nothing Precious At All

I been people watching again
I think they watch me too
There's a new girl at the coffee house
She's got first day blues

She's got red hair and a motorbike
And lime green shoes
A mohair hat and a summers dress
And black tattoos

And then she fly away
In her high heel feet
And her fire dress
And she's throwing things
That took her time to save it up
And buy what's special
Then she look around
And sees what's left
And it's nothing much
Nothing precious at all
Nothing precious at all

Gonna drink herself to sleep tonight
And that's nothing new
She goes out almost nine every night
And gets high as the moon

She takes photographs of American cars
Where she went to school
She likes fireworks and candlelight
And fake bad news

And then she fly away
In her high heel feet
And her fire dress
And she's throwing things
That took her time to save it up
And buy what's special
Then she look around
And sees what's left
And it's nothing much
Nothing precious at all
Nothing precious at all

Nothing precious at all

Is she a loner or a mother's girl
That's up to you
She got fine lines round her tired eyes
And they're painted blue
She could sleep around with anyone
If she wanted to
Gotta go my time is up right now
Got stuff to do
"We Could Sleep Together"
"I remember we have something to finish ..."
Immagine --> SDS Ltd.
:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
Messaggi: 7586
Iscritto il: mar set 17, 2002 6:12 am
Località: Verona

Messaggioda Ciumpo_Supernova il gio ott 23, 2003 12:15 pm

ragazzi non siate tristi!!!!!!

[**** <BFT CLUB> ****]

Milano 1997 > Milano 2000

Modena 2002 >Lucca 2002 > Roma 2002 > Milano 2002 > Pesaro 2002

Milano 2005 > Imola 2005 > Manchester 2005 x 3 > Salisburgo 2005 > Treviso 2005 > Milano 2005 > Firenze 2006 > Roma 2006

London KOKO 2006 > Milano BLUE NOTE 2006

Milano Filaforum Febbraio 2009 > Treviso 2009 > Bolzano 2009
Manchester 04 - 06 - 07 Giugno 2009 (BEST GIGS IN MY LIFE)
madferit onorario!!
madferit onorario!!
Messaggi: 2870
Iscritto il: lun set 16, 2002 2:52 pm
Località: Tra le montagne e il mare
Album Oasis: Standing on the shoulder of giants
Tifo per: Sampdoria

Messaggioda GEMfan il gio ott 23, 2003 12:19 pm

Ciumpo_Supernova ha scritto:ragazzi non siate tristi!!!!!!


eh si 8)

""...SHE'S THE BOSS...."" *** "GODELA!" ***
[**** <BFT CLUB> SOS Ltd. ****]Immagine
madferit onorario!!
madferit onorario!!
Messaggi: 2226
Iscritto il: gio set 19, 2002 9:55 am
Località: Genova - Vicenza

Messaggioda britgirl il ven ott 24, 2003 6:22 am

soprattutto se penso a ... DOMAAAANIIIII!!!!!
Bhuabhuabhua!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

....vediamo se ci sarà ancora
che continuava a gridare "The Hindu Times"
durante tutto il concerto, ahahahahah!!!! ;)

AND "BIRROZZA" forever! ;)
"We Could Sleep Together"
"I remember we have something to finish ..."
Immagine --> SDS Ltd.
:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
:: Madferit Indiscutibile ::
Messaggi: 7586
Iscritto il: mar set 17, 2002 6:12 am
Località: Verona


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