da Riki il gio apr 21, 2005 7:06 pm
Questo è lo script che ho io, ci sono le spiegazioni in tedesco ma l'importante è che ci siano le frasi inglesi
-Fuckin' In The Bushes
(band kommt auf die bühne, lautes fangeschrei)
Liam: Shithole! about time they knocked this fucking shit down.
(scherzhaft) Hello Manchester? (die menge buht)
-Go Let It Out
(mitten im song sagt Liam: 'and i'm not sure if i'm keen on any of that')
Liam: Cheers.
(irgendeiner in der menge hält eine St. George flagge mit einer beleidigung für Robbie Williams drauf)
Liam: Take that silly thing down man! He's not worthy of it, take it fuckin' down. Tell us something we don't know.
-Who Feels Love?
Liam: Cheers
I'll let you off this once, all together 'LIAM' go on!"
(Menge tönt zurück: 'Liam, Liam, Liam' )
Supersonic! should write more of these songs Noel, write a couple more of these babies.
Liam: Keyboard players, ya don't want them standing up, do ya? Sit down!
(scherzhaft zum Oasis keyboarder Zeb Jameson)
(während des songs sagt liam zum sound engineer: 'turn it up Gareth, there's no fucking roof on it anyway')
Liam: "Shake along with anyone you like to, and Aunt Sally, and Tweety Pie, he's all right."
(menge stimmt "NOEL" & "LIAM" sprechchöre an)
Noel: Fook all that Noel and Liam shit. Can I have everybody singing 'Who the fuck is Andy Bell?' Who the fook is Andy Bell?
Noel: Ah fuckin' sorry man. l don't know what you're your laughing about...
It were you, ya cunt. Right, then, I'm going to sing you a song now. Any of you cockney cunts gotta problem with that? This one's called 'Step Out'
-Step Out
Noel: Now now now then. I see you made it down the front, in your high heals, ha ha ha.
Liam: This ones for all the potheads, if you can lift your fuckin' arms up.
It's a good fuckin' tune this, come on, you listen carefully.
-Gas Panic
Noel: What the fuck are you doing all the way down there man.
Liam: ..... records by throwing tapes at people
If she starts getting out of line, fuckin smack (scherzhaft)
Liam: pass her over very nicely otherwise you'll stay on....
Noel: This ones for all the posh birds down the front. No, not you, you're not posh, you only act posh, you're not posh. Bet you wish you weren't down there now.
-Roll With It
(während des songs sagt liam: 'How many years now and you've finally got it right', weil die menge 'don't let any fucker get in your way' singt)
Noel: Eh, keep you hand on your fuckin credit cards.
Liam: Can we have some breasts please, on this screen. Bird, pull your top up and let's have them out for the lads. Where are you? Come on! (großer applaus als die große leinwand ein mädchen mit hochgezogenem top zeigt)
Noel: Check Fuckin' them out. look at them. Whayhay
Liam: Fookin' great pair. And who's idea was it for the phone box last time? Just get a tart to get her tits out.
Noel: That'll have been my idea for the phone box, and that kids is a bad advert for drug abuse
-Stand By Me
Noel: Thanks very much. Yeah whatever, anyway this one'll be for you then I suppose
Noel: Mikey, turn the cunty light off
Liam: It's all right. we'll see you after the gig, Mikey.
Noel: Mikey put a roach in it and turn the fuckin light off, it's not that hard. I'll have a word with you later. Last time you play Wembley Stadium, twatty bollox.
Liam: This is for all the people in the front row and all them at the back.
Noel: Not you, or you, you , yeah you, and you, not you, you do too much waving, don't ya? you look alright you
(noel spielt die ersten riffs vom Beatles song 'Tomorrow Never Knows')
-Cigarettes and Alcohol
(song endet mit Led Zepplins 'Whole Lotta Love')
Noel: that's rock'n'roll, mister, mister, that's rock'n'roll, mister.
Noel: Anybody read the daily mirror today. They reckon they've got some pictures of me sunbathing nude in Spain. I'll tell ya what though. Apartantly, the pictures are coming out in four day special cos my dick is that big (hält arme weit auseinander). apparently, you gotta get the first week and you gotta send off for 3 separate pieces . I'm not takin' the piss either. Knackers. Okay, maybe its not that big. maybe it's a little bit bigger (hält arme noch weiter auseinander) Easy girls, easy boys. This ones for everyone with a small dick.
-Don't Look Back In Anger
Noel: Thank You (Alan und Keyboarder Zeb spielen etwas jazziges)
Eh, eh eh eh, cut that jazz nonsense out man. I'm fuckin tellin' ya. I fuckin hate when people do that.
Liam: This is the last song, we'll play one, but it's been a bit of a topsy fuckin weird year.
Noel: It's been same as the last one
Noel & Liam: Live Forever.
-Live Forever
Noel: Thank you, good night
(Band geht für 1, 2 minuten von der bühne, kommt dann wieder)
(Noel wirft seine jeans jacke neben den moni)
Noel: Cost me fucking two quid (£2) from Oxfam what ya talking about. You're takin the piss aren't ya.
This is a song by Neil Young. I know, love, but you know, I wasn't born either and neither were you. This is called 'Hey Hey, My My'
-Hey Hey, My My
(Liam zeigt auf seinen bodyguard)
Liam: Alright bignose, Terry O'Neill.
Noel: I'll tell ya what, it's not too fuckin warm up here without your coat on is it. Fuckin freezin'!
Liam: Champagne Supernova
-Champagne Supernova
Liam: This one's for the Mondays (bezogen auf die support band The Happy Mondays)
Noel: This is the last one, good night, God bless, safe journey home. Rock 'n' roll star, everyone of ya.
-Rock'n'Roll Star