Pictures Of You

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Pictures Of You

Messaggioda mardaniela il sab mag 18, 2019 5:42 pm

Pictures Of You
i've been looking so long at these pictures of you
that i almost believe that they're real
i've been living so long with my pictures of you
that i almost believe that the pictures are
all i can feel

you standing quiet in the rain
as i ran to your heart to be near
and we kissed as the sky fell in
holding you close
how i always held close in your fear
you running soft through the night
you were bigger and brighter and whiter than snow
and screamed at the make-believe
screamed at the sky
and you finally found all your courage
to let it all go

you fallen into my arms
crying for the death of your heart
you were stone white
so delicate
lost in the cold
you were always so lost in the dark
you how you used to be
slow drowned
you were angels
so much more than everything
hold for the last time then slip away quietly
open my eyes
but i never see anything
Vino Franciacorta
if only i'd thought of the right words
i could have held on to your heart
if only i'd thought of the right words
i wouldn't be breaking apart
all my pictures of you

looking so long at these pictures of you
but i never hold on to your heart
looking so long for the words to be true
but always just breaking apart
my pictures of you

there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to feel you deep in my heart
there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to never feel the breaking apart
all my pictures of you

Tradotta dovrebbe essere qualcosa del genere..suona molto meglio in inglese ma è bellissima ugualmente
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: sab mag 18, 2019 5:37 pm

Re: Pictures Of You

Messaggioda porzel il dom mag 19, 2019 12:39 pm

Non mi ero mai accorto che Robert Smith a un certo punto cantasse vino franciacorta... Se ne impara sempre una nuova al giorno
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:: Madferit Storico ::
:: Madferit Storico ::
Messaggi: 16355
Iscritto il: mer mar 30, 2005 12:44 pm
Località: Marca Trevigiana
Song Preferita Oasis: anima mia
Film: Fallo!

Pictures Of You

Messaggioda s1sao il lun mag 20, 2019 5:48 am

porzel ha scritto:Non mi ero mai accorto che Robert Smith a un certo punto cantasse vino franciacorta... Se ne impara sempre una nuova al giorno


Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
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Messaggi: 341
Iscritto il: mer giu 17, 2015 2:53 pm

Re: Pictures Of You

Messaggioda 14 il mar mag 21, 2019 6:40 am

pictures ofvinofranciacorta you
admin ha scritto:Sei stato permanentemente bannato da questa board.

iaia ha scritto:zio bubu.

liam4ever ha scritto:con Stankovic arretrato, quanto sei bella nella foto profilo. il Capitano larghissimo, Milito leggermente più indietro ed eto'o accentrato e avvicinato alla porta..
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:: Madferit Leggendario ::
:: Madferit Leggendario ::
Messaggi: 23646
Iscritto il: sab gen 21, 2006 10:46 am
Località: sfeliciano <3

Re: Pictures Of You

Messaggioda admin il mar giu 04, 2019 4:23 pm

topi c dell'anno.. non lo cancello

C’è qualcos’altro che è apparso sui giornali e che tu vorresti chiarire?
Ascolta, noi siamo qui da tutto il pomeriggio. Voglio solo chiarire che io ho ancora due occhi blu chiaro, e mentalmente ha ancora 16 anni. Fisicamente ne ho 35 e poi voglio anche dichiarare il fatto che io sono un genio. Questo è tutto. (Noel 2002)
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Site Admin
Messaggi: 12601
Iscritto il: gio set 12, 2002 8:15 am
Località: Nel Regno Oasis
Song Preferita Oasis: Lets'a all make believe
Album Oasis: Definitely Maybe
Tifo per: Padova 1910
Film: Incontri ravvicinati del Terzo tipo (1977)

Re: Pictures Of You

Messaggioda IV il gio ago 29, 2019 4:07 am

mardaniela ha scritto:Pictures Of You
i've been looking so long at these pictures of you
that i almost believe that they're real
i've been living so long with my pictures of you
that i almost believe that the pictures are
all i can feel

you standing quiet in the rain
as i ran to your heart to be near
and we kissed as the sky fell in
holding you close
how i always held close in your fear
you running soft through the night
you were bigger and brighter and whiter than snow
and screamed at the make-believe
screamed at the sky
and you finally found all your courage
to let it all go

you fallen into my arms
crying for the death of your heart
you were stone white
so delicate
lost in the cold
you were always so lost in the dark
you how you used to be
slow drowned
you were angels
so much more than everything
hold for the last time then slip away quietly
open my eyes
but i never see anything
Vino Franciacorta
if only i'd thought of the right words
i could have held on to your heart
if only i'd thought of the right words
i wouldn't be breaking apart
all my pictures of you

looking so long at these pictures of you
but i never hold on to your heart
looking so long for the words to be true
but always just breaking apart
my pictures of you

there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to feel you deep in my heart
there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to never feel the breaking apart
all my pictures of you

Tradotta dovrebbe essere qualcosa del genere..suona molto meglio in inglese ma è bellissima ugualmente
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:: Madferit Leggendario IV::
:: Madferit Leggendario IV::
Messaggi: 36009
Iscritto il: lun set 23, 2002 6:56 pm
Località: Wigwam
Song Preferita Oasis: Hey Now
Album Oasis: Standing on the shoulder of giants
Tifo per: Sturm Graz
Film: Pulp Fiction

Re: Pictures Of You

Messaggioda IV il gio ago 29, 2019 4:08 am

14 ha scritto:pictures ofvinofranciacorta you

Con stankovic arretrato
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:: Madferit Leggendario IV::
:: Madferit Leggendario IV::
Messaggi: 36009
Iscritto il: lun set 23, 2002 6:56 pm
Località: Wigwam
Song Preferita Oasis: Hey Now
Album Oasis: Standing on the shoulder of giants
Tifo per: Sturm Graz
Film: Pulp Fiction

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