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2000-04-05 Oasis - Seattle

MessaggioInviato: mer mag 11, 2005 10:13 pm
da wherediditallgowrong84
Hi everyone, was just wondering if anyone could help me with this bootleg. Been looking for it for ages as its the one that noel dedicates hey hey my my to kurt cobain. If anyones got it could they kindly upload please?

For those who can read english, could they kindly translate and repost in italian please

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 12, 2005 11:45 am
da wherediditallgowrong84
anyone? someone must have it

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 12, 2005 9:26 pm
da wherediditallgowrong84
ill have it shortly so will upload